How to convert bfdlac to wav>

I can’t understand why that would be extremely popular unless there were legal, or copyright issues. :thinking:


I noticed the files im referring to is .bfdca not .bdfac

I got the wavs when i installed the Ziljdian Digital Vaults Pack.

It was a simple enough process,i would post a video but im not sure how to on a forum.

Yeah, the bfdca is BFD’s archiving format, not bfdlac. You could have a wav or a bfdlac file inside a bfdca. There are some older packs that weren’t reformatted to bfdlac. Newer expansions would never have been distributed in wav. The Zildjian stuff is never old, so they probably never converted them.

I still have the BFD Converter and the DFHS converted library from 2005 or whenever that was. Funny part about it, I lent my DFHS install DVDs to a friend and he lost them, so now all I have left of it is the BFD converted version.

But as far as extracting bfdlac files, I’d assume they’re just custom multichannel flac files? Might be as simple as changing the header or removing some metadata, must be super fun to spend a couple weeks manually doing that to a few thousand bfdlac files per libary…

And then a few more weeks/months learning to code for Kontakt so they can actually be used. By that point you’re ready for a job at BFD.

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They’re not. It’s a proprietary format that doesn’t have anything to do with flac. SkoT from BFD did his dissertation on it, and has given conference presos on the subject. inMusic tried to license the format out for a while, but AFAIK there were no takers.